The music blog that doesn't want to hear itself

MD Plays a Song: Blur’s This is a Low

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I haven’t had much time for my latest hobby as of late. But a couple of weeks ago I found a few spare hours (read: planned weeks in advance) to get out of the routine with the geetar and the sweet new tripod I got, literally just for this purpose. (The height of vanity, I know. Fuck off.)

I initially tried to find a shady spot in the grassy center median on Sunset Blvd to record this one. But after coming to realize there isn’t a square inch of shade on that median, I settled for a park in Beverly Hills, apparently the one where George Michael got friendly with someone in public.

This was actually the first song I recorded this way a few years ago, but it being the first time I didn’t like the recording. I looked pissed off, made too many mistakes and was staring at the instrument like it was turning into a snake or something. This version is much more relaxed, and though it’s not perfect (hi, zero musical training and no time to practice), it was fun to do. And I don’t think the chick sunning herself 20 yards away minded the endless takes.

I especially like the people milling about in the background.

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P.S. Want to see more pure acoustic relaxation? Check out my YouTube channel, it’s balls.

Oh yeah, and you'll want to download my book.

Written by Peter Kimmich

May 11th, 2018 at 10:19 pm

Posted in MD plays a song

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